Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Some tassel goodness

This post is mostly for my mom, because she's one of few people who would appreciate this kind of insanity. Only a select group of people (and I don't mean that in a good way) would see a ceramic baseball bank in a dollar store and think "Tassel!" Most people would probably think... bank.
Anyway, I think it's adorable. I used some navy chenille yarn (which you really can't see) at the base, then a variety of 'crap' to junk it up. A few different kind of ribbon, a fringe that I liked, etc, etc. It was fun and turned out exactly the way I wanted it to! That never happens to me. I kind of thought tassels were too girly for a boy's room, but this was too cute and hangs in the perfect place in Jack's room.


DarbyM said...

How I LOVE this. Now find a plane and do one for Tyler's room :)

Elizabeth said...

I'll have to keep an eye out for a plane. ;) They're so much fun! Neily wants a ballet slipper one.